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Amrotec Currency Discriminator SALE! Call (201)825-3000 or E-mail For More Info [email protected]

Currency Counters

Our Commercial Grade Currency Counters have evolved from years of experience and are backed by unmatched support through our network of MAGNER® Authorized Distributors Nationwide.

75 Series

The 75 Series offers the technology, performance, and productivity you expect from MAGNER® – the global leader in desktop currency counters.

With a wide range of features and options, the 75 Series is designed for accurate high speed processing, simplicity of operation, and rugged reliability, even in the most demanding applications.

Choose from a basic model with variable batching or a more advanced model with dual head, dual threshold magnetic suspect counterfeit detection as well as ultraviolet suspect counterfeit detection in combination.

Model 35-3

Premium is defined by performance, not defined by size.  The compact Model 35-3 represents the third generation in a family of outstanding price/performers, which also boasts the #1 selling desktop currency counter in the world.  Along with its appealing appearance and simplicity of operation, the 35-3 offers robust functionality with automatic start, full error detection, adjustable speed, variable currency batching, and accumulation mode.  At speeds up to 1500 notes per minute, basic currency counting applications can be performed with greater efficiency and optimum productivity.  Designed from the beginning for superior reliability and dependability, the Model 35-3 is engineered to deliver MAGNER® quality performance for years.


Compact Note Counter N Series

High volume counting with simple operation.

If you’re looking for an affordable, accurate and high-quality note counter…your search is over. The Billcon N-Series Note Counters offer you all this…and so much more. Heavy duty construction, sleek design and 1,500-note-per-minute speed…all in one compact machine.

With the Billcon N-Series you can increase your company’s productivity, and get the ease-of-use, product reliability, and superior after-sales support that’s made Billcon a success in over 70 countries worldwide.


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